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10 Content Marketing Strategies That Actually Work

March 11, 20235 min read

“Here we are again! Hope this helps.” - Levi

Content Marketing! Yay!

Are you looking to promote your business in Alaska (or anywhere)? Content marketing is a great way to get started. Here are 10 content marketing strategies that actually work:

These strategies assume a few things, first that you have a good website that is set up for potential clients and you know exactly what you do and who you do it for. Second, that you have someone that can make tailor made content for your business or organization. If you don't have these things, don't worry! They are easily solved. (Insert Link for contact)

Remember, some of these need to be completed in a specific order, but you don't need to ALL of them in order to start seeing success.

Lets jump in!

1) Start with SEO – Search engine optimization (SEO) should be one of the first steps for any successful online presence, especially when it comes to local businesses like those found around Soldotna or anywhere else along The Last Frontier. Optimizing webpages and blog posts helps make sure they show up higher in search results so potential customers can find them more easily!      

2). Create quality video content - Video has become an increasingly popular form of media consumption these days, making it essential for businesses or marketers who want their message heard by as many people as possible; create as high-quality videos as you can about topics related directly back into what products/services you offer and share across social platforms too boost engagement levels even further! If people see that you solve problems in a fun or unique way they will remember you whether or not they are ready to buy.

3). Utilize influencers & micro-influencers– Influencer campaigns have been shown time again prove effective at building brand awareness quickly while also helping target audiences better relate with companies’ messages through personal connections made between themselves & influential figures within certain industries or communities alike—reach out locally if need be but don't forget larger names outside Alaska! A question I like to ask is "Who has my audience?" Who already talks to my ideal client?

4.) Leverage email newsletters – Email remains one most powerful tools available today because not only does this allow direct communication between brands & their consumers without interruption from other sources such as ads seen elsewhere on websites etc., but emails provide opportunities reach new leads via opt-in forms placed strategically throughout sites where visitors may signup receive updates that are valuable to them regarding promotions, discounts, plus much more over time which could help build loyalty among followers eventually leading conversions down line.. The biggest thing is that YOU own your email list. You DON'T own your social media following, a platform can decide to ban or shadow ban you (or just fail) at any time. Not so with a email list.

5.). Publish engaging articles regularly - While creating strong visual assets important part overall strategy here's why writing compelling copy shouldn't go overlooked either since well written pieces tend resonate far longer than anything purely aesthetic based due its ability evoke emotions readers thus driving actionable responses quicker...  Writing usually works far longer than most other forms of content.  

6.) Share user generated reviews, often times positive feedback left behind previous clients speaks volumes company itself therefore sharing customer experiences. Use both internally and externally to increase credibility amongst peers, competitors, potential clients etc. Though never shy away from negative comments, it is best to address issues head on instead of always addressing concerns privately. Transparency builds trust that forms longterm relationships with your audience or customers. There are always going to be haters or people that have messed up expectations, it is the job of the business to clearly set expectations and deliver on them. Not to make everyone happy all the time.

7.). Promote events happening in your area or industry by hosting your own event or collaborating with another organization nearby. Utilize multiple channels such as website homepage, press releases, radio interviews, guest blogs, infographics, social media, podcasts etc to spread the word and ensure maximum exposure. Who has your audience? Go to them, they have already built the relationship and if you have something of value to their audience then they will showcase you willingly. Plan the execution phase early enough to give ample leadtime for success.  Simple terms -- Plan ahead!   

8 ). Focus on localized keywords when optimizing page contents; for example, use specific phrases targeting a particular region, such as "Kenai" instead of a generic term like "Alaska." This will make pages appear more relevant to searches based on geography and location, thus increasing the chances of being discovered by prospects living there or in surrounding areas. People have great pride in being local, use it well and reap the benefits. But don't exclude people, be hospitable. Alaska has a wonderful tourist culture and many businesses exist on the natural resources that we love to share. As long as people are respectful that is, but we can easily set expectations in a kind way.       

9 )Participate in public industry forums, discussions, groups, and chats, and engage others to gain recognition as an authority. Provide valuable insights and advice to form meaningful ties with potential patrons. Who are the connectors in your industry or area? Again, who has your audience?

10 . Track metrics consistently to gauge performance of each activity, whether organic or paid, and track analytics data to identify successes and failures. Adjust tactics as needed to improve ROI and set achievable objectives to reach the desired endgame goal and top spot rankings.


Hope this helps, let me know what you would like to read about next!

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Levi Pelletier

Levi is this guy who does a lot around here, some say the "go-to" fella. Others just blame him for being too nice. If you are seeing this, well you aren't supposed to, please ignore. Or tell Levi and he will deal with it, there should be links to his socials somewhere around here...

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