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Marketing Alaska

Social Media - Your Next Step to creating Content that Performs

March 10, 202310 min read

“What do you need to understand before posting something on social media? Nothing. Just put something out there. There is no end to what you could do, but the best thing to do is just start. Doesn't have to be perfect, but it HAS to get better... So start."


Some important info:

Please note that this is a rough draft. It isn't perfect, it is out there. And it will help you. Message me for more clarification. Also this is written with the help of ChatGPT. Not sure what that means yet..

Also if you want to skip right to the end.. I can't stop you. There are several Q&A's that will be valuable to you.

I. Introduction

A. Definition of social media

B. The importance of social media in content creation

II. Understanding Your Audience

A. The role of social media in audience research

B. Identifying your audience demographics

III. Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

A. Overview of different social media platforms

B. Choosing the right platform for your content

IV. Creating Engaging Social Media Content

A. Types of social media content

B. Tips for creating engaging content

V. The Role of Hashtags in Social Media Content

A. Definition and importance of hashtags

B. Best practices for using hashtags in social media content

VI. Measuring Social Media Success

A. Understanding social media metrics

B. Tools for measuring social media success

VII. Conclusion

The real intro: Hey, Levi here. Hope this helps you create a plan that works for you in creating Social Media (SM). Lets jump in and get you started!

Social Media - Your Next Step to Creating Content That Performs

In today's digital age, social media has become an integral part of content creation not just in how content is produced, but where it is directed. Many platforms offer businesses and individuals an opportunity to reach a broader audience, engage with them, and build a loyal following. However, creating content that performs well on social media requires a strategic approach, and often varies from platform to platform. What works on Youtube doesn't work on Facebook, what works on Instagram doesn't transfer to TikTok well at all. In this article, we will explore the steps you need to take to create social media content that performs, and perhaps later we will explore each platform individually..

Understanding Your Audience

The first step in creating social media content that performs is understanding your audience. Social media platforms offer a wealth of data that can help you identify your audience demographics and preferences. You can use this information to create content that resonates with them. You don't need this to get started mind you, just speak to your audience. The more you show who you are and what you are about, the more you will attract your ideal audience.

To understand your audience, you can conduct audience research using a variety of social media analytics tools. These tools provide valuable insights into your audience's age, gender, location, interests, and behavior. With this information, you can tailor your content to suit their preferences. Please note that this only comes after you HAVE an audience, not trying to gain one...

If you need help figuring out who your audience is, we will cover that in another article.. Forgive me.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

Social media is a vast landscape, with different platforms catering to different types of audiences and content types. Choosing the right social media platforms is critical to the success of your content. You need to consider the demographics of your audience, the type of content you create, and the goals you want to achieve.

For instance, if you create long form video content, you can take the audio, make a text article. You can also take frames from the video for pictures for ads, banners, promotions etc. You could take clips from that longer video and make shorts for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and so on. There are so many ways to repurpose content but not every piece of content works on every platform.

Long story short, produce content in the way you are having the most fun and are comfortable doing. Why? Because you will much more likely DO IT.

Some of the most popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok, we count YouTube as a social platform as well, but only barely. Each platform has unique features and a specific audience that tends to gravitate towards it. For example, Facebook has a more diverse user base, while Instagram has been popular among younger demographics. LinkedIn is geared towards professionals, while TikTok caters to a younger, Gen Z audience. But honestly, I have found that you can find a demographic in almost every platform. Its just easier on some platforms than others.

To choose the right social media platform for your content, you need to understand your audience's preferences and behavior. You also need to consider the type of content you create and which platforms are best suited for it.

Look at what new features are being promoted on each platform and you will usually find what types of content are going to be pushed by that algorithm.

Creating Engaging Social Media Content

Once you have identified your audience and chosen the right social media platforms, and it is best to stick with one platform/channel and one persona or audience to start with. Thank you Papa Hormozi.

The next step is creating engaging content. Social media users are bombarded with content, and you need to create content that stands out and resonates with them. What do they identify with? Are their problems being heard and understood? Do you champion for them?

There are different types of social media content, including text, images, videos, and stories. You need to choose the type of content that works best for your audience and goals. For example, if your audience is visual, you may want to focus on images and videos.

To create engaging social media content, you need to be creative and authentic. Your content should be visually appealing, concise, and relevant to your audience. You can also use storytelling, humor, and emotion to connect with your audience.

Really the most important thing to be is to be real. Be authentic. Be genuine. Be... you get the point. The real key is to have something to say, and be able to communicate it to people in a way that people appreciate. Doesn't have to always be perfectly produced. Though that is nice, people are used to being "misinformed" (lied to) and aren't always trusting of things that are perfectly produced because they know it is likely just a production. A fabrication. A lie. Be real. That is how you stick out and make an impact.

The Role of Hashtags in Social Media Content

Hashtags can be an essential part of social media content. They help users discover your content, and they can increase your reach and engagement. However, using hashtags correctly requires a strategic approach.

To use hashtags effectively, you need to understand their role and best practices. Hashtags should be relevant to your content and your audience. You should also use a mix of branded, industry-specific, and trending hashtags to increase your visibility.

However, you should avoid using too many hashtags, as this can come across as spammy and decrease engagement. A good rule of thumb is to use no more than three to five hashtags per post.

Honestly, I don't understand hashtags. They can be useful if someone is researching a particular topic or niche, but are they more for people or the algorithm? Because the amount of people that look up certain hashtags is VERY low compared to people finding your content from the algorithm.

It may be best practice, but idk if it works honestly. For SEO I know it is VERY important. But that is a different beast entirely.

Measuring Social Media Success

Measuring social media success is essential to understanding how your content performs and making data-driven decisions. Social media metrics provide valuable insights into your content's reach, engagement, and conversions. Some people don't worry about this at all and do very well, others focus on it exclusively and make a lot of high level decisions based off of it, and do very well. It is something to be aware of.

There are different social media metrics to track, including impressions, reach, engagement rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate. You can use social media analytics tools to monitor these metrics and gain insights into your content's performance. Again, starting out, you are not going to know very much about this. That is okay, only start paying attention to this once you build some momentum.

KEY: It is all a momentum game. It may take a few months to see some results from your social media efforts. Be aware of that going in and you will avoid getting discouraged from not seeing instant results. Mental game strong. Keep moving forward, much love.. Yes...

Some of the most popular social media analytics tools include Google Analytics, Hootsuite Insights, Social Blade and Sprout Social. These tools provide a comprehensive view of your social media performance, enabling you to optimize your content and achieve your goals. You don't need them all... And I wouldn't start out with any of them unless you already have a following. (Usually well over 2k on any platform..)


Creating social media content that performs requires a strategic approach that considers your audience, social media platforms, content type, hashtags, and metrics. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create engaging content that resonates with your audience and achieves your goals.

Remember to monitor your social media performance regularly and use data to optimize your content. (Sounds so analytical, but it can help a bunch when you build up momentum)

With the right strategy, social media can be your next step to creating content that performs.


Q: What is the best social media platform for business?

A: It depends on your niche and audience you are going for.. I dislike this answer but it is true... You have to go to where your customers are. They aren't going to come to you just because you are better than sliced bread...

Q: How can I use social media to grow my audience?

A: Yes. Okay, okay, (It was a joke...) producing content isn't enough unless you give the people value and a call to action. We will address this in another article. It is one thing to have a large audience and another to monetize that audience. So many cool options here...

Q: What are the best practices for creating engaging social media content?

A: Hook them with a revealing or controversial statement, provide value up front, and speak to their problems then provide a answer or key to their success. MAKE THE CONTENT ABOUT THEM. "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." People don't care about your company or business until you are in line with their own values. Or against them...

Q; How can I measure my social media success?

A: Oh boy, this is going to be a long one... It depends. No really, are you going for exposure, for ROI, for direct sales, for a fuzzy feeling? This one is on you. Just understand that people only respond if there is value for them. (Trigger alert) We can't be fail at something and call all of social media a waste of time because it didn't work how we thought it would. Sometimes we go into something with unreal expectations based on how WE think people should respond. The real question is "What are people looking for?" Give them that, and you will succeed.

Q: What are the common mistakes to avoid when using hashtags in social media content?

A: Something that is irrelevant to the content. You don't need 20+ hashtags. KISS Keep It Super Simple.

Okay that is all for now. BYE!

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Levi Pelletier

Levi is this guy who does a lot around here, some say the "go-to" fella. Others just blame him for being too nice. If you are seeing this, well you aren't supposed to, please ignore. Or tell Levi and he will deal with it, there should be links to his socials somewhere around here...

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