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The Value of Digital Marketing

March 09, 20233 min read

Letters to a friend:

Hey, have heard that you are thinking of starting to produce content for your business. Here are some things to look for...


Digital marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways in today's market to connect with potential customers and promote your business in the most effective ways possible. How can you help provide services or products to people that don't know about you and what you can do for them? It's not enough to have a world-class product if no one knows about it...

Social media allows you to leverage time, effort and money in ways that have never been possible before. Digital marketing can be used to connect with potential customers in various ways. Social media, SEO, ads and email can all be used to reach potential customers. Additionally, a website or blog can be created to provide potential customers with more information about your business, making your authority in the marketplace clear.

The Benefits of Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing is an relatively affordable way to reach a large audience, and it allows you to target your marketing messages to specific demographics. Additionally, digital marketing is a more interactive and engaging form of marketing, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

We all have brands or products that we are very passionate about, the question is, why can't your business have people that tell others about you? It's possible through social media.

Publishing any form of content about your business can show and tell (yes, as adults we still have this lovely form of interaction, just a little different than when we were in school) what we are about. This makes it easy for people to tell themselves a story about who you are and what you are about. People want to identify with other people. Show them who you are and others will self identify and come to you wanting what you have. It can be that simple.

The Challenges of Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing can be a challenge to implement effectively, and it requires a certain level of expertise and knowledge. If you don't know exactly EVERYTHING, it can be challenging. Okay it really isn't that bad... All you need is someone to show you the way. It can be as simple, OR as complicated as you want it to be.

Additionally, digital marketing can be very time-consuming, and it can be difficult to measure the results of your campaigns.Understanding what your goals are for the business and for specific campaigns or projects is crucial for measuring the success of your outreach.

What makes it a success to you? Is it a specific ROI for your ad spend? Is it a certain number of people reached or that have engaged with your content? Or is it a certain number of new customers that come into your business? You MUST determine what makes a success and be able to clearly communicate this to your team. If the goals you set out to achieve seem unachievable at first, remember that media/content is like a machine that gains more and more momentum with each new piece created. Allow for adjustments as needed.


Digital marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes that can help increase brand awareness, reach new customers, and drive sales.

It offers a range of advantages and benefits, such as cost-effective campaigns, flexible targeting, and detailed analytics.

However, digital marketing can also be difficult to implement and manage, as it requires a deep understanding of the customer journey, a comprehensive strategy, and the right technology and resources.

Here at The Alaska Agency, we strive to make things as simple as possible. Why? Because things can be infinitely complicated in marketing, but it doesn't have to be for you.

Let us worry about that. With a variety of services, we have you covered for almost all of your digital needs. if not, we can point you in the right direction.

If you need advice or are ready to move forward, lets set up a quick meeting.

All the best,


blog author image

Levi Pelletier

Levi is this guy who does a lot around here, some say the "go-to" fella. Others just blame him for being too nice. If you are seeing this, well you aren't supposed to, please ignore. Or tell Levi and he will deal with it, there should be links to his socials somewhere around here...

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